We’ve seen that, whether you include instructions at the top of the form or not, the result is likely to be the same - people will ignore or forget them. People have to scan the form to determine if the field is required.Filling form itself is quite challenging for your users - why would you want to make it even more so? In other words, you’re making it harder for them to do their task. And even if people don’t forget the instruction, you’re increasing their cognitive load by having them commit it to their working memory.
You may think: if users read the instruction of the top, how could they forget it - it’s such a simple thing? Well, they do forget - especially if the form is long or if they get interrupted while filling it out (a situation that is common on mobile).
Even if people read instructions, they may forget them. Form fields seem self-sufficient - after all, each field has a specific instruction - its label, why would you need to read anything else to fill it in? It’s well known that users don’t read instructions, and they are particularly less likely to read instructions at the top of a form. People don’t read instructions at the top of forms. What’s wrong with these approaches? There are a few problems: In both forms, only optional fields were marked: in the case of Citibank with the somewhat unclear abbreviation opt. (In some rare situations, they don’t do anything: they simply assume users will magically know what fields are required if they don’t, then they will just have to deal with the resulting error.) Citicards’ credit-card application (left) included small-font italic instructions All fields are required unless specified optional at the top of its form American Express’s form (right) had no instructions at all. They mark the optional fields, since they are usually fewer. They show instructions at the top of the form saying All fields are required or All fields are required unless otherwise indicated. So, they usually adopt one or both of the following strategies: Often designers feel that the having a marker for every single required field is repetitive, ugly, takes too much space, and, with longer forms, may even seem oppressive (the form requires so much from the user!). The Temptation to Not Mark the Required Fields And I’ll spend the rest of the article explaining why. Make sure you have the latest version of 1Password.A common question in many of our UX Conference classes is: should you mark the required fields in a form? If most fields in the form are required, should we still mark them? (That’s a lot of marks, after all.) The short answer is yes. Make sure you have the latest version of iOS. If you still need help, follow these steps: To make it easier for your users to save and fill with 1Password. If you’re an iOS app developer, set up your app’s associated domains If you recently changed an item on another device, and the change isn’t appearing when you attempt to fill, open and unlock 1Password, then try to fill again. If you don’t see the Passwords button when you try to fill, you can drag and drop or manually copy and paste your login credentials to fill in apps and browsers. Cancel: 1Password won’t fill your login or update your Login item.You can then autofill your details every time you log in to the same app or website. Fill & Update Login: 1Password will fill your login in the app or browser and update your Login item to link it to the app or site.Fill Once: 1Password will fill your details in the app or browser one time.You’ll be asked what you want 1Password to do: If you have a login in 1Password that doesn’t appear when you try to fill, tap Passwords near the top of the keyboard or at the bottom of the screen, then search for your login and choose the one you want to fill. If you want suggestions for logins in all of your accounts, choose All Accounts. Choose the account or collection you want.Tap AutoFill, then tap “Show filling suggestions from”.If you're using an iPad, tap your account or collection at the top of the sidebar. Tap the icon for your account or collection at the top left and choose Settings.To change the account or collection Autofill uses to suggest logins in apps and browsers: