Borderlands 2 kill bride and groom
Borderlands 2 kill bride and groom

borderlands 2 kill bride and groom

They know we're gonna mutate the hell out of em, why lie to em? (static) The experiments you'll be put through will help us uncover new uses for Eridium, new cures for medicine and - seriously? (chuckles) Why are you having me read this crap? This is freaking hilarious. Handsome Jack: This is Handsome Jack, thanking you, loyal test subject, for helping bring Pandora into the future. Through torture.Īnnouncer: Creature fighting rings are only allowed on special occasions, such as Birthday Parties or Tuesdays. If you are part of experiment group B, move closer.Īnnouncer: This is a reminder to all employees: please do not injure the animals until you are on break.Īnnouncer: Remember engineers - through your efforts here, you are creating a safer, kinder Pandora. And in the Bandit Circle of Slaughter, you can cause a mass Goliath brawl, with six or more flailing their fists and punching each other.Īnnouncer: If you are part of experiment group A, stay away from the wild creature cages. If it's a Caustic Goliath, a vomit fight will ensue. You can make two Goliaths or more have a boxing match.Or, even funnier, if you kill them in midair, they will keep flying upward into the air. Goliaths have a jump attack to let them slaughterpunch you even if you're on unreachable high ground.Much more amusing if you get the Giant Midget of Death.Also, their names will grow longer and scarier every time they defeat a former ally, eventually becoming a GOD-Liath.This typically leads to a gigantic Body Horror maniac being treated like an adorable 8-foot puppy that squishes your enemies! Goliath-type enemies can be exploited to utterly obliterate their bandit friends, and chase you across the entire map of where you find them, as long as you stay in their sights.It's amusing to hear Hyperion employee quotes at such a high pitch. There are Hyperion variants of Loot Midgets found in Hyperion-occupied zones.This includes midget goliaths, where the one receiving the piggyback is the same size as the one giving it. Midgets of most types can climb onto the back of a goliath a la Master Blaster.It's very hard to take them seriously when they sound like they do, even while enraged. Midget Nomads in the second playthrough.There are two midget variations on regular enemies that are hilarious:.Flying bandits will often say "Tora! Tora! Tora!", or hum (Or loudly sing) the Ride of the Valkyries music.Ĭaptain Flynt: Our parents were douchebags."I need another head for my merry-go-round!"

borderlands 2 kill bride and groom

"This is prison! And we're the guys in the shower! " You can't kill me, I'm already dead tomorrow!" "I'm gonna wear your face like a condom!" "No, YOU take a time-out!" - dying Psychos (crying) "Don't scavenge my stuff!" - Nomads, usually after threatening you to drop your own loot. (after you kill one of his buddies) " WHATSYOURNAME! NOOOOOOO!!" "The meat puppets flock to the slaughter, like children to an ice cream truck!" "I'm gonna make hammocks out of your eyelids!" "I wonder, if I plant you in the ground, will you grow taller?" "I regret nothing!" "I regret everything!" - Various dying bandits "I SMELL DELICIOUS!" - Rat burning to death It is then that we learn that the monologue does not belong to the armored man, as it then says that the only words that come out are. As the armored man seemingly ignores a startlingly buff Psycho who scrambles out into the streets and drops his axe, the monologue goes on to say he wishes he could tell him to run away so he doesn't have to hurt him. In "A Meat Bicycle Built for Two", a stoic man in red armor stares up at a hanged corpse as an internal monologue states matter of factly that he didn't know him, or if he deserved that fate.Jakobs Old-Fashioned: "MY LEFT BOOB SAYS "OBS", referring to the Jakobs logo he gets tattooed across his chest.Also, "WHO SAID OCTOPUS" for Torque High Octane. Other gems include "I'M NOT REVOLTING" for Vladof Revolution and "LEG STRIPE YEEEAH" for Hyperion Honor.For instance, his version of "Tediore Customer Service" is called " LET ME SERVICE YOU". This even applies to the brand loyalty skins that have the same names for everyone else. All of Krieg's skins and heads are named in all caps with crazy and often hilarious names he probably came up with himself.Krieg: (triggering Light The Fuse) EXPLOSIONS OF LIFE! Krieg: (using Redeem The Soul) I WILL MURDER YOUR DEATH! Krieg: (in an extremely creepy tone) Looove youu. Krieg: You don't die today! YOU DIE EVERY DAY!

Borderlands 2 kill bride and groom